Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 72 (2019)

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure. Volume 72 (2019), édité par Emanuele FADDA et Giuseppe COSENZA, Genève, Librairie Droz, 2021, 312 pages, 6 illustrations noir et blanc, ISSN : 0068-516X, ISBN-13 : 978-2-600-06309-8, € 40,00 / CHF 41.00
Date de première publication : 15 Juillet 2021
Voir la notice de l’Éditeur.
Ce numéro en version numérique :

Table des matièresCahiers Ferdinand de Saussure (Cover)

I Éditorial

À nos lecteurs (E. FADDA et G. COSENZA)

II Articles

Lorenzo CIGANA, Estanislao SOFIA, Sune GREGERSEN, Carolina MARTÍN GALLEGO et Víctor PÉREZ BÉJAR Gloses d’auteur. L’exemplaire du Cours annoté par Louis Hjelmslev
Giuseppe COSENZA, Vers une image nouvelle de la réception du CLG (1916) en Italie
Muriel JORGE, Transposition didactique et manuélisation du CLG : le rôle de Bally et Sechehaye
Thobias SCHEER, SPE cum autosegmental representations. In memoriam Morris Halle (1923-2018)
Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN, Langage et signifiant. Une analyse épistémologique de la distinction structuraliste entre langage et langues

III Résumés de thèses

Jacopo D’ALONZO, Tran Duc Thao’s Theory of Language Origins
Stefania MONTES HENRIQUES, Les manuscrits de Ferdinand de Saussure sur les légendes germaniques : une relation entre la parole et l’histoire

IV Documents

Ferdinand de Saussure, La correspondance de Saussure à Niedermann (1904-1908). L’école de Saussure : admirer et pourtant ne pas comprendre, par Silvia PICCINI
Serge Karcevski et Charles Bally, Discuter avec le maître. Douze textes inédits de Karcevski commentés par Bally, édition et commentaire par Irina FOUGERON et Gilles FOUGERON

V In Memoriam

Jean-Claude CHEVALIER (1925-2018) (L. Formigari et D. Gambarara)
Antoine CULIOLI (1924-2018) (D. Ducard)
Paolo FABBRI (1939-2020) (E. Fadda)
Gerard GENETTE (1930-2018) (R. De Angelis)
Gilbert LAZARD (1920-2018) (A. Sansò)

VI Lectures critiques

Questions d’accentologie lituanienne : l’hypothèse d’une isoglosse balto-germanique. À propos de Jay H. JASANOFF, The Prehistory of the Balto-Slavic Accent, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2017, par Silvia PICCINI

VII Comptes rendus

R. DAYLIGHT (dir.), « Semiotica », n. 217, Special issue On the 100th anniversary of the publication of the Cours de linguistique générale, 2017 (G. Cosenza)
G. D’OTTAVI et P.-Y. TESTENOIRE (dir.), « Langages » 209 (1/2018), Le cours de linguistique. Formes, genèses et interprétations de notes d’auditeurs, 2018 (F. Murano)
E. FADDA, Sentimento della lingua. Per un’antropologia linguistica saussuriana, 2017 (G. Siouffi)
M. DE PALO et S. GENSINI (dir.), « Blityri. Studi di storia delle idee sui segni e le lingue » Vol. VI n. 1/2017, Saussure e i suoi interpreti italiani. Antonino Pagliaro, la scuola romana e il contesto europeo, 2017 / M. DE PALO et S. GENSINI (dir.), Saussure e la Scuola linguistica romana. Da Antonino Pagliaro a Tullio De Mauro, Roma: Carocci, 2018 (G. Cosenza)
J. JOSEPH et E. VELMEZOVA (dir.), Le Cours de linguistique générale : réception, diffusion et traduction (Cahiers de l’ILSL 57), 2018 (E. Fadda)
L. PESINI, La linguistica genetica di Charles Bally. Gli appunti del manoscritto BGe Ms. Fr. 5034, 2017 (C. Forel)
F. de SAUSSURE, Grammaire du gotique. Deux cours inédits. 1. Cours de grammaire gotique (1890-1891). 2. Cours de grammaire gotique (1881-1882). Accompagnés d’autres articles de Saussure sur le gotique. Édition avec notes et commentaires par André ROUSSEAU, 2018 (L. de Saussure)

VIII Chroniques de Colloques, événements, annonces

Daniele GAMBARARA, Les images des manuscrits de F. de Saussure. De la salle Senebier à la toile mondiale
Chronique du colloque CISPELS, Rome 17-19 septembre 2018 (E. Fadda)
Chronique du colloque Philosophy of language and Digital Humanities, Arcavacata di Rende 7-9 mai 2019 (G. Cosenza)
Chronique du XIVème congrès IASS/AIS, Buones Aires 9-13 septembre 2019 (E. Fadda)

IX Chroniques du Cercle

Chronique du Cercle pour les années 2018-2020


Lorenzo CIGANA (Université de Copenhague), Estanislao Sofia (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria), Sune GREGERSEN (Université de Copenhague), Carolina MARTÍN GALLEGO (Universidad de Salamanca), Víctor PÉREZ BÉJAR (Université de Séville) Glosses d’auteur. L’exemplaire du Cours annoté par Louis Hjelmslev
Abstract: A copy of the Cours de linguistique générale has been found in 2016 in Amsterdam. Internal evidences lead us to believe it was the copy belonging to Danish linguist Louis Hjelmslev. The aim of this paper is to discuss this attribution, by resuming Hjelmslev’s biography and academic career (§ 2) in order to show the plausibility of such hypothesis (§ 3). We then present (§ 4) a transcription of the textual occurrences (signs and glosses) found therein, the most relevant of which will be briefly analysed on a conceptual point of view in our final commentary (§ 5).
Keywords: Glosses, Hjelmslev, Saussure, Course in General Linguistics
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Giuseppe COSENZA (Université de Calabre) Vers une image nouvelle de la réception du CLG (1916) en Italie
Abstract: Italian Linguistics before 1950 is still considered “asaussurean”, an adjective created in 1963 by Leroy to synthesize its peculiarities. In order to highlight the role of Italian Linguistics in the debate of general linguistics at that time, many latest essays on linguistics historiography in Italy aim to reevaluate those years, especially in relations to Saussure’s thought. With this article, I am bringing out two new aspects on the issue. The first one concerns with the Italian reception of the first edition of Course in general linguistics (1916, CGL): until now, the only reference is the review by Terracini (1919) while I intend to show that there are three more writings still neglected. The second one is the state of the art of this historiographical reevaluation, especially the one that concerns with the diffusion of Saussure’s thought in Italy before 1950.
Keywords: CGL reception, Italian Linguistics, Goidànich, History of Linguistics, General Linguistics
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Muriel JORGE (Sorbonne-Université, INSPE de Paris) Transposition didactique et manuélisation du CLG : le rôle de Bally et Sechehaye
Abstract: We discuss the significance of teaching and learning as a goal in the writing of Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics. First, by analyzing textbooks that Bally and Sechehaye published based on their own teaching before they started working on the CGL, we determine criteria defining university textbooks as a genre. Then, we examine the making of the CGL into a textbook (manuélisation) as an outcome of content adaptation for teaching and learning (transposition didactique). Finally, we illustrate these processes through the study of two notions: “appendix” (appendice) and “natural place” (place naturelle).
Keywords: Course in General Linguistics, Charles Bally, Albert Sechehaye, university textbook, content adaptation for teaching and learning
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Thobias SCHEER (Université Côte d’Azur) SPE cum Autosegmental representations. In memoriam Morris Halle (1923-2018)
Abstract: Morris Halle was involved in the two major overthrows of post-war phonology: as a central actor in the 50s-60s when SPE replaced structuralist thinking, as a prominent victim in 1993 when Optimality Theory took over the field with the promise to eliminate serial computation, the lifetime issue of M. Halle’s thinking. Its disgrace after 1993 made him a living monument put on a pedestal, admired for his past but condescended to for his stubborn persistence on serialism. At end of his life, he could witness the gradual return of serial computation in OT, for him certainly a revenge.
Keywords: Morris Halle, Sound Pattern of English (SPE), serial computation, Optimality Theory, autosegmental representations, ordered rules.
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Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN (Université de Berne) Langage et signifiant. Une analyse épistémologique de la distinction structuraliste entre langage et langues
Abstract: Distinction between language and languages is a common structuralist one. Not only can we find it in the hjelmslevian, jakobsonian and benvenistian theories, where it constitutes an axis of elaboration, but what is more inexpected is that it is also present in Martinet’s work, in spite of a sharp criticism of the very notion of language and of the jakobsonian and chomskyan universalist problematics. Saussurean theory shows us that this distinction is inescapable, as soon as language is presupposed instead of being defined. Saussurean definition of language (langue) implies a quite different distinction: between language (langage), the language (langue) and idioms, and this distinction throws a new light on the problematics of general grammar.
Keywords: language universals, value, structure, idiom, functioning
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Jacopo D’ALONZO Tran Duc Thao’s Theory of Language Origins
Abstract: The purpose of our research is to introduce the reader to Tran Duc Thaoʼs (1917–1993) philosophical reflection on human language and its evolution. We shall attempt to map out the main lines of Thaoʼs theory of language origins set out in his Recherches sur l’origine du langage et de la conscience (1973). The discovery of Marxism-Leninism led Thao to suggest a materialist and historical turn of Husserl’s philosophy of consciousness which was at the very heart of his own first philosophical interests. Thao’s account threw into sharp relief the social nature of both language and cognition, so that language evolution is linked inextricably to social relations. Within this framework, Thao wanted to determine the nature of language and its role in pre-historical societies and its making through social relations.
Keywords: Tran Duc Thao, Language Origins, Marxism, Husserlian Phenomenology, Structuralism
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Stefania MONTES-HENRIQUES (Université D’État de Minas Gerais) Les manuscrits de Ferdinand de Saussure sur les légendes germaniques : une relation entre la parole et l’histoire
Abstract: This thesis investigated how the concepts of speech and history are present in the saussurian manuscripts on the Germanic legends. In order to emphasize the relationship between this material and the general linguistics courses taught at the University of Geneva, we carried out a theoretical trajectory that began in the 19th century with mythographic studies, going through the Saussure’s elaborations in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Through this itinerary and the analysis of the manuscripts, we conclude that not only speech and history are present in these documents, but also their importance in the transmission of the oral narrative.
Keywords: Germanic legends, manuscripts, parole, history.
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Ferdinand de Saussure, La correspondance de Saussure à Niedermann (1904-1908). L’école de Saussure : admirer et pourtant ne pas comprendre par Silvia Piccini (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli”)
Abstract: This paper examines two letters and two visit cards written between 1904 and 1908 by Ferdinand de Saussure to his colleague Max Niedermann. This correspondence, so far unpublished, is preserved in the Niedermann Fund of the Public and University Library (BPU) in Neuchâtel. The analysis focuses mainly on the letter written on the 18th of July 1904, where Saussure addresses, albeit briefly, some methodological issues on the correct formulation of phonetic changes, anticipating to Niedermann a crucial aspect of his theoretical thought, i.e. the distinction between the synchronic and diachronic order.
Keywords: Max Niedermann, Spécimen d’un Précis de Phonétique historique latine, Phonetic change, Diachrony.
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Serge Karcevski et Charles Bally, Discuter avec le maître. Douze textes inédits de Karcevski commentés par Bally Édition et commentaire par Irina Fougeron et Gilles Fougeron
Abstract: We present here some textes of S. Karcevski written for Ch. Bally (whose lessons Karcevski attended in Geneva), together with Bally’s comments (little remarks on the side of the page, but also some plain discussions). Texts and comments (from the Fond Karcevski at the Archives administratives et patrimoniales of University of Geneva) date back to 1913-1914. The texts deal with theoretical issues (the role of psychological and affective factors in morpho-syntax and word formation, some questions of lexical semantics, etc.), illustrated by different exemples. In order not to overweight the reader, we chose not to adopt a plain diplomatic transcription, but to intuitively render the pages, using square brackets to mark our interventions.
Keywords: Karcevski, Bally, Word-formation, psychology of language, lexical semantics.
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