giuseppe d'ottavi

Bennett – « Saussure’s “anagrams”: A case of acousmatic mistaken identity? »

Fionn Bennett – « Saussure’s “anagrams”: A case of acousmatic mistaken identity? », in Semiotica 2021/238, pp. 181-198 (November 2020).
Published Online: 2020-11-18.
Published in Print: 2021-01-27.


In the course of his painstaking study of ancient verse, Ferdinand de Saussure came up with an intriguing theory about the phonetics of the poetry he scrutinised. He postulated that the “jeux phoniques” he detected in the texts he analysed was proof that their authors were attempting to “parasite” the surface level meaning of their verse with a “hypotexte.” This hypotexte consisted of “anagrams” of “mots thèmes” whose phonetic properties were “isosyllabically diffracted” throughout the rest of the host text. Today it is generally accepted that Saussure was wrong about this. Few however maintain that what he discerned in the phonetic depths of the verse he auscultated was no more than the figment of a fertile imagination. But if this be so, what exactly had he detected? This paper maintains that what Saussure stumbled upon was the trace of a contribution made to ancient verse by melodically and metrically organised sounds. This was inevitable. Virtually all the texts he probed were “carmina sacra” that were composed to be sung and accompanied by music. This musical accompaniment had a decisive impact on the phonetics of the “lexemic” words in the Poetry that has survived. This is so because sung verse cannot “euphoniously” accommodate a musical accompaniment unless its phonetics constituents are selected, concatenated and intoned in such a way as to follow the melodic contours and rhythm patterns that modulate their articulation. In addition, the point of making verse consist both of melodically organised arrangements of sound and of organisations of sound in which one can recognise ordinary words was not simply ornamental. The real point was to bi-nature what one was hearing. In other words, the goal was to “over-signify” the usual meanings of the “logocentric” words in the verse with a separate but complementary meaning and narrative encoded in melodised tones and metered rhythms. Why qualify the accompanying music as “acousmatic voices”? Because the music in question was added to song to give a voice to whichever tutelary divinity the song was performed to honour. That’s what makes “acousmatic voices” an especially apt epithet for characterising the melodically and rhythmically structured bodies of sound Saussure so presciently discerned in the phonetic depths of the poésie phonisante he probed. The point of their being in poetry was to give a voice to the agencies to whom the object or occasion of verse is beholden for its Being-in-the-world.

Keywords: Ferdinand de Sausssure; anagrams; musical meaning; acousmatic voices; comparative poetics; hieroglossia

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Stoltz – « Becoming a dominant misinterpreted source: The case of Ferdinand de Saussure in cultural sociology »

Dustin S Stoltz – « Becoming a dominant misinterpreted source: The case of Ferdinand de Saussure in cultural sociology », Journal of Classical Sociology 21/1 (2021), p. 92–113 (February 2021)

Cultural analysts in sociology typically cite the work of Ferdinand de Saussure to motivate a narrow theory of meaning. In so doing, sociologists incorrectly attribute to Saussure (1) the postulate that meaning is arbitrary; (2) the idea that signs gain meaning only through relations of opposition to other signs; (3) the view that there is an isomorphic correspondence between linguistic signs and all cultural units of analysis, ergo culture is fundamentally arbitrary; and finally (4) the idea that he offers a Durkheimian theory of culture (i.e. Saussure was a follower of Durkheim). Saussure’s project, rather, was specific to linguistics, and mainly one of theoretical and methodological clarification regarding phonology. Saussure never intended his analytical model of phonology to apply to the real operation of meaning in general, as done by contemporary interpreters and, furthermore, never argued that meaning is arbitrary.

Author’s note

This paper was awarded the 2018 Graduate Student Paper Award from the History of Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Montes Henriques – O caso mais grosseiro da semiologia. O que Saussure pode nos dizer sobre os nomes próprios?

Stefania Montes Henriques, O caso mais grosseiro da semiologia. O que Saussure pode nos dizer sobre os nomes próprios? Prafácio Eliane Silveira. Campinas (SP), Editora da Abralin (Altos Estudos em Linguística), 2021, 147 p., ISBN 978-85-68990-09-4
DOI : 10.25189/9788568990094
Notice de l’Éditeur
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Présentation de l’ouvrage, 23.09.2021 (min. 00:37)

Este livro se propõe a investigar como o nome próprio é considerado nas elaborações de Ferdinand de Saussure. Essa categoria linguística é considerada como um dos problemas mais espinhosos nos estudos da linguagem, em virtude de ser heterogênea e não possuir uma regra geral que seja aplicável a todas as línguas naturais e por envolver em sua constituição a arbitrariedade e a fala. Assim, efetuamos um percurso teórico pelos estudos da linguagem do século XIX, enfatizando teorias no âmbito da Filosofia e da Linguística, o que nos proporcionou elementos para questionar a posição de Saussure sobre essa categoria linguística. Considerando que a produção saussuriana não se restringiu ao CLG, detivemo-nos em seus estudos comparatistas, nos manuscritos sobre linguística e sobre as Lendas Germânicas. Mediante a análise desses materiais, percebemos que o nome próprio participa do movimento de fundação da linguística moderna, na medida em que é um ponto nevrálgico nas elaborações saussurianas.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

(Re)leituras em Ferdinand de Saussure e Émile Benveniste – org. J. Teixeira da Silva Filho

(Re)leituras em Ferdinand de Saussure e Émile Benveniste, organizador Jomson Teixeira da Silva Filho. São Carlos : Pedro & João Editores, 2021, 276 pages, ISBN 978-65-5869-482-3 [Papier] / 978-65-5869-483-0 [Numérique].
Notice de l’Éditeur.
Version numérique disponible en accès libre.

Esta obra, que agora vem a público, busca reunir textos de diferentes pesquisadores brasileiros que têm se debruçado sobre as teorias da linguagem ligadas epistemologicamente aos nomes de dois linguistas cujas reputações dispensariam qualquer tipo de apresentação.

Se aqui o fazemos, é mais pela formalidade editorial e pelo prazer de falar sobre eles e menos pela necessidade de apresentá- los. Afinal, temos total ciência de que, ao menos minimamente, todos aqueles que, de alguma forma, interessam-se por questões da linguagem, seja para deles partir, seja para deles sugerir um afastamento ou até mesmo para ignorá-los, já se depararam com os conhecidos pelos epítetos de “pai da linguística moderna” e de “pai da linguística da enunciação”, a saber, Ferdinand de Saussure e Émile Benveniste, respectivamente.

Dois linguistas que têm em comum muito mais do que atribuições de “paternidades”. Dois linguistas complexos, enigmáticos até! Diante da leitura de seus textos, deparamo-nos com situações que, ao primeiro contato de um leitor desavisado – flutuação terminológica, complexidade conceitual, teorizações atribuídas, textos inacabados e lacunais – seriam suficientes para “justificar” a recusa de suas leituras, como o fazem muitos, aliás, lendo-os apenas de segunda mão, geralmente através de manuais de introdução. Normand (2009, p. 17) chega a afirmar, em relação a Saussure, que “uma leitura do conjunto do Curso, se é que é possível, nunca foi encorajada; contenta-se, o mais frequentemente, com extratos que ilustram uma apresentação comentada”.

Extrait de l’introduction

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 72 (2019)

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure. Volume 72 (2019), édité par Emanuele FADDA et Giuseppe COSENZA, Genève, Librairie Droz, 2021, 312 pages, 6 illustrations noir et blanc, ISSN : 0068-516X, ISBN-13 : 978-2-600-06309-8, € 40,00 / CHF 41.00
Date de première publication : 15 Juillet 2021
Voir la notice de l’Éditeur.

Ce numéro est entièrement disponible en version numérique sur le portail des revues Droz :

Table des matièresCahiers Ferdinand de Saussure (Cover)

I Éditorial

À nos lecteurs (E. FADDA et G. COSENZA)

II Articles

Lorenzo CIGANA, Estanislao SOFIA, Sune GREGERSEN, Carolina MARTÍN GALLEGO et Víctor PÉREZ BÉJAR Gloses d’auteur. L’exemplaire du Cours annoté par Louis Hjelmslev
Giuseppe COSENZA, Vers une image nouvelle de la réception du CLG (1916) en Italie
Muriel JORGE, Transposition didactique et manuélisation du CLG : le rôle de Bally et Sechehaye
Thobias SCHEER, SPE cum autosegmental representations. In memoriam Morris Halle (1923-2018)
Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN, Langage et signifiant. Une analyse épistémologique de la distinction structuraliste entre langage et langues

III Résumés de thèses

Jacopo D’ALONZO, Tran Duc Thao’s Theory of Language Origins
Stefania MONTES HENRIQUES, Les manuscrits de Ferdinand de Saussure sur les légendes germaniques : une relation entre la parole et l’histoire

IV Documents

Ferdinand de Saussure, La correspondance de Saussure à Niedermann (1904-1908). L’école de Saussure : admirer et pourtant ne pas comprendre, par Silvia PICCINI
Serge Karcevski et Charles Bally, Discuter avec le maître. Douze textes inédits de Karcevski commentés par Bally, édition et commentaire par Irina FOUGERON et Gilles FOUGERON

V In Memoriam

Jean-Claude CHEVALIER (1925-2018) (L. Formigari et D. Gambarara)
Antoine CULIOLI (1924-2018) (D. Ducard)
Paolo FABBRI (1939-2020) (E. Fadda)
Gerard GENETTE (1930-2018) (R. De Angelis)
Gilbert LAZARD (1920-2018) (A. Sansò)

VI Lectures critiques

Questions d’accentologie lituanienne : l’hypothèse d’une isoglosse balto-germanique. À propos de Jay H. JASANOFF, The Prehistory of the Balto-Slavic Accent, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2017, par Silvia PICCINI

VII Comptes rendus

R. DAYLIGHT (dir.), « Semiotica », n. 217, Special issue On the 100th anniversary of the publication of the Cours de linguistique générale, 2017 (G. Cosenza)
G. D’OTTAVI et P.-Y. TESTENOIRE (dir.), « Langages » 209 (1/2018), Le cours de linguistique. Formes, genèses et interprétations de notes d’auditeurs, 2018 (F. Murano)
E. FADDA, Sentimento della lingua. Per un’antropologia linguistica saussuriana, 2017 (G. Siouffi)
M. DE PALO et S. GENSINI (dir.), « Blityri. Studi di storia delle idee sui segni e le lingue » Vol. VI n. 1/2017, Saussure e i suoi interpreti italiani. Antonino Pagliaro, la scuola romana e il contesto europeo, 2017 / M. DE PALO et S. GENSINI (dir.), Saussure e la Scuola linguistica romana. Da Antonino Pagliaro a Tullio De Mauro, Roma: Carocci, 2018 (G. Cosenza)
J. JOSEPH et E. VELMEZOVA (dir.), Le Cours de linguistique générale : réception, diffusion et traduction (Cahiers de l’ILSL 57), 2018 (E. Fadda)
L. PESINI, La linguistica genetica di Charles Bally. Gli appunti del manoscritto BGe Ms. Fr. 5034, 2017 (C. Forel)
F. de SAUSSURE, Grammaire du gotique. Deux cours inédits. 1. Cours de grammaire gotique (1890-1891). 2. Cours de grammaire gotique (1881-1882). Accompagnés d’autres articles de Saussure sur le gotique. Édition avec notes et commentaires par André ROUSSEAU, 2018 (L. de Saussure)

VIII Chroniques de Colloques, événements, annonces

Daniele GAMBARARA, Les images des manuscrits de F. de Saussure. De la salle Senebier à la toile mondiale
Chronique du colloque CISPELS, Rome 17-19 septembre 2018 (E. Fadda)
Chronique du colloque Philosophy of language and Digital Humanities, Arcavacata di Rende 7-9 mai 2019 (G. Cosenza)
Chronique du XIVème congrès IASS/AIS, Buones Aires 9-13 septembre 2019 (E. Fadda)

IX Chroniques du Cercle

Chronique du Cercle pour les années 2018-2020

Voir les résumés
Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Chroniques, Parutions

Arrivederci, ICHoLS !

Ce vendredi 27 Aout, le International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS) a clos les travaux de sa quinzième édition.

Les cinq journées du congrès, organisé cette année par l’Università Cattolica di Milano, avec la collaboration de l’Università Statale, ont eu lieu en ligne, sous forme dématérialisée.

Néanmoins, des 13 ateliers thématiques mis en place, deux étaient expressément saussuriens : Études saussuriennes aujourd’hui, organisé par Nubia Faria, Maria Fausta de Castro et Eliane Silveira, et Saussure et l’école de Genève : syntaxe et sémiotique, organisé par le Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure.

En dehors de ces ateliers (24 communications au total), quatre communications ont porté sur Saussure : celle d’Estanislao Sofía (La construction d’un génie. Analyse des comptes-rendus des première, deuxième éditions françaises (1916 et 1922) et de la première édition allemande (1931) du Cours de linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure, 1916-1934), de Giuseppe Cosenza ([Re]lancer ses idées dans les comptes-rendus : Saussure, Bally et Chomsky), de Francesco Dedé (L’influenza dell’opera di Saussure ‘linguista storico’ nella riflessione di Saussure ‘linguista generale’) et d’Henrik Jørgensen (Saussure and Brøndal. What did Brøndal learn from Saussure?).

La manifestation (dont le programme complet est toujours consultable à l’adresse a vu la participation d’à peu près 200 intervenants venant de 35 pays, plus un chaton (allemand).

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Chroniques, Événements