Saussure and Chomsky. Converging and Diverging – ed. by G. Cosenza, Cl. A. Forel, G. Puskas, Th. Robert

Saussure and Chomsky. Converging and Diverging, ed. by Giuseppe Cosenza, Claire A. Forel, Genoveva Puskas, Thomas Robert. Bern, Peter Lang (« Sciences pour la communication, 131 »), 2022, 172 p., 4 ill. n/b, 2 tabl., ISBN 978-3-03434-457-9, € 46
DOI: 10.3726/b19300
Notice de l’Éditeur, avec table des matières et préface de L. de Saussure

« It is very good news that contemporary specialists of the works of Saussure and Chomsky get back to a serious comparison between them. Even though a number of divergences may seem obvious, it is particularly refreshing that some key convergences are actually being uncovered, which were long hidden under the confusing layers of radical and sometimes superficial readings of Saussure. Such convergences were also waiting for some more recent evolutions of the Chomskyan paradigm to emerge more clearly.

Saussure is still often viewed by functionalists as a naturalist (for langue is an entirely psychic object organized with general principles in the brain, and, as Constantin writes, “langue is a part of language”, which is crucial since language is a “faculty” for Saussure) and by naturalists and formalists as a relativist or a pre-functionalist (because “langue is social in essence and independent of the individual” and “langue is a social institution”). I think that such opinions are built upon a very confusing usage of the term langue in writings like the Course, and more ideological than balanced interpretations of Saussure’s philosophy of language by following scholars.

Indeed, the concept of langue seems to be about two clearly different things. First (and foremost, perhaps), langue is the fundamental and universal set of principles determining natural language. It is a system of signs, whatever the actual language this system is filled with. Second, langue refers to specific languages; it is in that sense for example that langue is only fully realized by the mass of speaking subjects within a community. »

Extrait de la préface par L. de Saussure

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Wikiradio – Tullio De Mauro

Hier, Radio Rai 3, la troisième chaîne de la radio publique italienne, a consacré l’émission Wikiradio à Tullio De Mauro, à l’occasion de l’anniversaire de sa nomination à Ministre de l’Instruction de la République italienne (26 Avril 2000).

Daniele Gambarara, ancien élève de De Mauro et ancien Président du Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure, s’est efforcé de réduire en une petite demi heure le compte rendu du passage de De Mauro sur la culture italienne.

Le podcast de l’émission – special guests Suor Rosa et Giacomo Leopardi – est disponible à cette adresse.

Une autre vedette des études saussuriennes avait déjà été mise à l’honneur par la même équipe : l’épisode de Wikiradio du 19 Mai 2016 est toujours en ligne.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Variétés

Bouquet – Saussurisme et néo-saussurisme (Chroniques néo-saussuriennes 1)

La première des Chroniques néo-saussuriennes (Linguistique. Textes. Histoire) de Simon Bouquet paraît aujourd’hui sur la revue en ligne En attendant Nadeau. Elle est accessible suivant ce lien :

© Maud Roditi
pour En attendant Nadeau

Rédigées avec le soutien de l’Institut Ferdinand de Saussure, les chroniques néo-saussuriennes prennenent idéalement le relais et la place des chroniques de linguistique et d’histoire de la linguistique longtemps tenues par le regretté Jean-Claude Chevalier (1925-2018) dans La quinzaine littéraire (1975-2010).

Ces chroniques veulent témoigner du renouveau suscité par la découverte des manuscrits de l’orangerie et par la parution des Ecrits de linguistique générale. Elles documenteront et éclaireront le contenu scientifique de ce renouveau (Linguistique). Elles scruteront, sous cet éclairage, le long cours et l’actualité de pratiques interprétatives (Textes). Elles s’autoriseront une réflexion plus large, librement inspirée par la pensée redécouverte de Saussure, sur la vie sociale et son histoire (Histoire).


Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Variétés

Neues aus dem Coseriu-Archiv

Une (très ample) sélection des archives d’Eugenio Coseriu (1921-2002) est désormais numérisée et consultable en ligne sur le site OpenDigi de la bibliothèque de l’Université de Tübingen :

Le travail, mené en collaboration avec le Romanisches Seminar et la Bibliothèque de l’Université de Tubingen, se situe au carrefour de plusieurs projets portant sur l’exploitation et la conversion en numérique des archives coseriennes : de la reconstruction de sa bibliothèque, à l’édition de manuscrits, y compris de la correspndance, et des enregistrements sonores.

Pour plus d’informations sur le Coseriu-Archiv :

Des informations détaillées sur les travaux d’Eugenio Coseriu sont disponibles sur le site

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Variétés

A 21st century Saussure: the Cours as read through an SFL Lens

Pour ce vendredi 1 Avril (8:00 AM GMT // 10h00 de Paris), Tom Bartlett (Université de Cardiff) et Gerard O’Grady (Université de Glasgow) organisent une rencontre (en visio) explorant la présence obstinée de Ferdinand De Saussure dans la pensée linguistique fonctionnelle au 21ème siècle.

La rencontre comprendra deux exposés – résumés ci-dessous – par Paul J. Thibault (Université d’Agder) et Edward McDonald (The Compleat Wordsmith, Sydney, Australia). Elle sera suivie d’un moment de discussion animé par Tom Bartlett et Gerard O’Grady. Une courte séance questions-réponses est prévue après chaque exposé.

Lien zoom (cliquez ici)

Meeting ID: 858 1504 3660
Password: 681041

A 21st century Saussure: the Cours as read through an SFL Lens
Vendredi, 1 Avril 2022, 8:00 AM GMT // 10h00 de Paris

8:00 What we can learn from letting the “21st century Saussure” speak to Halliday?
Edward McDonald (The Compleat Wordsmith, Sydney, Australia)

8:40 Saussure's semiological phonetics: Temporality, material dynamics and perception in la parole
Paul J. Thibault (University of Agder)

9:20 Discussion

10:00 Conclusions

What we can learn from letting the “21st century Saussure” speak to Halliday?
Edward McDonald (The Compleat Wordsmith, Sydney Australia)
J.R. Firth (1890-1960) famously classified “all professional linguists…using the name of Saussure” (1857-1913), identifying himself as “non-Saussurean", an attitude his student M.A.K. Halliday (1925-2018) seems largely to have shared. A recent history of linguistics, however, Keith Allan’s The Western Classical Tradition in Linguistics (2007/2009), groups Saussure and Halliday together in a chapter titled “Saussurean and functionalist linguistics”, suggesting that Halliday's thinking resembles Saussure’s in more ways than it differs. From a historical perspective, it seems clear that part of what Firth and Halliday were doing was in fact responding to Saussure, not ignoring him. On my own reading, Saussure, like Firth and Halliday, consistently thought in terms of systems, and through complementarities not dichotomies. In this talk, I will show how examining the “21st century Saussure”, in other words, the broader picture of his thinking that has emerged from newly discovered materials only published in the early years of the millennium (Saussure 2002/2006), allows us to better understand the concerns he shares with Halliday, and how the insights of the London School and the Geneva School together might suggest some alternative trajectories for both linguistics and semiotics, many of whose developments in the 20th century have proved less than enlightening.

Saussure’s semiological phonetics: Temporality, material dynamics and perception in la parole
Paul J. Thibault (University of Agder)
Jakobson ("Saussure’s unpublished reflexions on phonemes", 1969) first drew attention to the existence in the Houghton Library of Harvard University of a large body of manuscripts known as the Harvard Manuscripts. The manuscripts are catalogued in the Houghton Library of Harvard University as bMS Fr 266 (1) – (9). These manuscripts consist of some 638 sheets and 995 pages of material. In addition to the Saussurean manuscripts catalogued by Godel (see Les Sources Manuscrites du Cours de Linguistique Générale de F. de Saussure, 1957; ‘Inventaire des manuscripts de F. de Saussure remis à la Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire de Genève’, 1960) and stored in the Bibliotheque Publique et Universitaire in Geneva, the Harvard Manuscripts constitute an important resource in the study of Saussure’s thinking. In Saussure's Harvard Manuscripts time and the temporal dynamics of la parole emerges as an important concern rather than diachronic and evolutionary perspective on time which is internal to the language system, or langue. Saussure shows that the material dynamics of la parole and their perception are inextricably linked to time. I will explore some aspects of Saussure's efforts to transcend the linear conception of time as mere succession of elements along a line.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Événements

De Angelis – « Semiology: in the light of Saussure’s words »

Rossana De Angelis – « Semiology: in the light of Saussure’ words », in Semiotica 2022/244, pp. 131-144 (January 2022)
Published Online: 2022-01-24
Published in Print: 2022-01-27

What does Saussure really mean by “semiology”? This is the question we try to answer in this text. In fact, reading his writings and notes, we realize that Saussure uses the term “semiology” in different contexts and with different meanings. So the notion of “semiology” issued from his works is more complex than it seems because it undergoes several transformations throughout the development of Saussurian thought. The term “semiology” never appears in the texts published during in his lifetime, but we find several mentions of this notion in the manuscript sources that make up the Saussurian corpus. While this term appears first during the period between 1881 and 1891, especially in all the documents known under the title of Phonétique (1881–1885), in the Gothic lessons (1885–1886), and in the manuscript “De l’essence double du langage” (1891), the notion of “semiology” is presented to the public in the Cours de linguistique générale with a very precise meaning that has been taken up in Adrien Naville’s Nouvelle Classification des sciences (1901). Then, after the publication of a large part of Saussure’s autograph writings, Ecrits de linguistique générale (2002), we can return to this notion not only to trace its genesis, but also to better understand its complexity. And this is what we propose to do in this article.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

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