
Nouveautés éditoriales linguistiques et saussuriennes.

Sign Systems Studies, vol. 50/1 (2022): Ferdinand de Saussure today: semiotics, history, epistemology – ed. E. Fadda, E. Velmezova

Sign Systems Studies, vol. 50 no. 1 (2022). Special issue: Ferdinand de Saussure today: semiotics, history, epistemology
Guest editors: Ekaterina Velmezova, Emanuele Fadda
Published: June 1, 2022
Numéro entièrement disponible en ligne sur le site de l’Éditeur.

In this special issue we publish the works of researchers from several countries (Switzerland, Estonia, Italy and the United Kingdom) who agreed to our proposal to reflect on Ferdinand de Saussure and his legacy in the framework of modern semiotics, as well as history and epistemology of ideas. The name of Saussure is often mentioned in modern works on semiotics and its history and Saussure is sometimes considered as one of the founders of the “science of signs”; at the same
time, Saussure as such is often equated to the most famous book published in 1916 under his name – the Course in General Linguistics. Even if this issue reflects partly this tendency too, all its contributors understand the importance of distinguishing between this book and Saussurean ideas as such, drawing cues, as far as possible, from all the Saussurean texts available to us, and considering Saussure’s legacy not dogmatically, but as a field on which we have not finished working yet.
One of the landmark texts in modern semiotics is Jacques Lacan’s seminar on “La lettre volée”, Baudelaire’s translation of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The purloined letter”, in which the plot turns on the fact that an incriminating letter which the police search for but cannot find turns out to be hidden in plain sight (in this respect, see Joseph’s article in this issue). The articles in this special issue show how the impact of Saussure’s semiotic model has been hidden in plain sight across the 20th century and on to the present. Everyone names Saussure as the co-founder of the discipline, along with Peirce, and then it appears as though, having lit the fuse, he fled before the explosion which saw all his ideas transformed, very differently in different places, with little of himself remaining. Yet reading the studies collected here, we see how present he has been through  all these transformations – as a consistent interlocutor for all who have followed.
Establishing this novel perspective will help us tie together the diverse threads of semiotic research, which sometimes have little in common other than what they retain from that Saussurean model which has been hidden in plain sight all along.

Extrait de l’Introduction par Ekaterina Velmezova et Emanuele Fadda.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Bronckart et Bulea Bronckart – Ferdinand de Saussure. Une science du langage pour une science de l’humain

Jean-Paul Bronckart, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, Ferdinand de Saussure. Une science du langage pour une science de l’humain, Paris, Classiques Garnier (Domaines linguistiques, n° 20), 2022, 590 p., ISBN 978-2-406-12925-7, € 32,00
DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-12927-1
Notice de l’Éditeur, avec table des matières


« Pourquoi Saussure encore ? » C’est par cette question que nous avions introduit le présent ouvrage ; question évidemment rhétorique à laquelle nous avions répondu que l’œuvre de Saussure nous paraissait d’une importance capitale pour la linguistique et les sciences de l’humain contemporaines, en raison notamment de trois de ses orientations. Tout d’abord la conviction épistémologique de l’unité structurelle et fonctionnelle de l’entité langue, qui a conduit Saussure à aborder l’ensemble des dimensions de cette entité, des unités phonologiques aux textes, des processus de changement historique et géographique à la construction du système des langues, des dimensions proprement sémiologiques aux ingrédients sociaux et psychologiques qui y sont mobilisés. Ensuite, la mise en œuvre d’une méthodologie consistant à analyser de multiples données authentiques issues de langues diverses, anciennes et contemporaines, et à élaborer des propositions théoriques sous le contrôle de ces données empiriques. Enfin, la conviction profonde que l’essence même du langagier réside en la relation nodale de la sémiose, conviction qui a donné lieu à une analyse exceptionnellement profonde des processus constitutifs des signes, ainsi qu’à des tentatives d’identifier les modalités sous lesquelles la bifacialité de signes se manifeste éventuellement aux niveaux non lexicaux de l’organisation des langues.

Extrait du dernier chapitre, p. 551.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Saussure and Chomsky. Converging and Diverging – ed. by G. Cosenza, Cl. A. Forel, G. Puskas, Th. Robert

Saussure and Chomsky. Converging and Diverging, ed. by Giuseppe Cosenza, Claire A. Forel, Genoveva Puskas, Thomas Robert. Bern, Peter Lang (« Sciences pour la communication, 131 »), 2022, 172 p., 4 ill. n/b, 2 tabl., ISBN 978-3-03434-457-9, € 46
DOI: 10.3726/b19300
Notice de l’Éditeur, avec table des matières et préface de L. de Saussure

« It is very good news that contemporary specialists of the works of Saussure and Chomsky get back to a serious comparison between them. Even though a number of divergences may seem obvious, it is particularly refreshing that some key convergences are actually being uncovered, which were long hidden under the confusing layers of radical and sometimes superficial readings of Saussure. Such convergences were also waiting for some more recent evolutions of the Chomskyan paradigm to emerge more clearly.

Saussure is still often viewed by functionalists as a naturalist (for langue is an entirely psychic object organized with general principles in the brain, and, as Constantin writes, “langue is a part of language”, which is crucial since language is a “faculty” for Saussure) and by naturalists and formalists as a relativist or a pre-functionalist (because “langue is social in essence and independent of the individual” and “langue is a social institution”). I think that such opinions are built upon a very confusing usage of the term langue in writings like the Course, and more ideological than balanced interpretations of Saussure’s philosophy of language by following scholars.

Indeed, the concept of langue seems to be about two clearly different things. First (and foremost, perhaps), langue is the fundamental and universal set of principles determining natural language. It is a system of signs, whatever the actual language this system is filled with. Second, langue refers to specific languages; it is in that sense for example that langue is only fully realized by the mass of speaking subjects within a community. »

Extrait de la préface par L. de Saussure

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

De Angelis – « Semiology: in the light of Saussure’s words »

Rossana De Angelis – « Semiology: in the light of Saussure’ words », in Semiotica 2022/244, pp. 131-144 (January 2022)
Published Online: 2022-01-24
Published in Print: 2022-01-27

What does Saussure really mean by “semiology”? This is the question we try to answer in this text. In fact, reading his writings and notes, we realize that Saussure uses the term “semiology” in different contexts and with different meanings. So the notion of “semiology” issued from his works is more complex than it seems because it undergoes several transformations throughout the development of Saussurian thought. The term “semiology” never appears in the texts published during in his lifetime, but we find several mentions of this notion in the manuscript sources that make up the Saussurian corpus. While this term appears first during the period between 1881 and 1891, especially in all the documents known under the title of Phonétique (1881–1885), in the Gothic lessons (1885–1886), and in the manuscript “De l’essence double du langage” (1891), the notion of “semiology” is presented to the public in the Cours de linguistique générale with a very precise meaning that has been taken up in Adrien Naville’s Nouvelle Classification des sciences (1901). Then, after the publication of a large part of Saussure’s autograph writings, Ecrits de linguistique générale (2002), we can return to this notion not only to trace its genesis, but also to better understand its complexity. And this is what we propose to do in this article.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Les obstacles dans l’enseignement des langues et dans la formation des enseignants – éd. K. Balslev, E. Bulea Bronckart, V. Laurens, L. Nicolas

Les obstacles dans l’enseignement des langues et dans la formation des enseignants, éd. par Kristine Balslev, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, Véronique Laurens, Laura Nicolas. Limoges, Lambert-Lucas (« Didactique des langues et plurilinguisme »), 2022, 320 p., ISBN 978-2-35935-353-2, € 36
Notice de l’Éditeur / Table des matières

La problématique des obstacles est largement traitée en didactique des sciences et en formation des enseignants, mais rarement en didactique des langues. L’ambition de ce volume est de l’introduire dans la réflexion sur l’enseignement des langues en rassemblant des travaux actuels sur cette question. Les contributions explorent ainsi la valeur heuristique de la notion d’obstacle pour la compréhension et la conceptualisation des actions et interactions en jeu en situation d’enseignement des langues ou de formation à l’enseignement. Elles montrent que les obstacles relèvent de types différents, qu’ils s’adressent à des dimensions diverses des situations d’enseignement et qu’ils constituent une réalité inhérente aux apprentissages linguistiques et au métier d’enseignant. Ces analyses permettent de dépasser l’approche descriptive pour traiter les obstacles sous l’angle des opportunités réflexives et praxéologiques et de thématiser les bénéfices à en tirer aux niveaux de l’action enseignante, de la formation et de la recherche.

Contributeurs : Kristine Balslev, Anne-Claude Berthoud, Violaine Bigot, Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, Francine Cicurel, Véra Delorme, Joachim Dolz, Orianna Franck, Chloé Gabathuler, Laurent Gajo, Fumiya Ishikawa, Christopher Laenzlinger, Véronique Laurens, Malory Leclère, Anne Monnier, Malak Moustapha-Sabeur, Catherine Muller, Laura Nicolas, Catherine Tobola Couchepin, Sabine Vanhulle, Yann Vuillet, Lin Xue

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions

Dalla ‘langue’ alla ‘parole’: verba manent. Scritti di Federico Albano Leoni – a cura di E. Morlicchio, V. Micillo, F.M. Dovetto

Dalla ‘langue’ alla ‘parole’: verba manent. Scritti di Federico Albano Leoni, a cura di Elda Morlicchio, Valeria Micillo, Francesca Maria Dovetto. Napoli, UniorPress, 2021, 428 p., ISBN 978-88-6719-223-6
DOI : 
Notice de l’Éditeur
Ouvrage entièrement disponible en ligne sur le site SHARE Press, plateforme gérée par le Centre « Roberto Pettorino » de l’Université de Naples Federico II.

Il volume raccoglie una selezione di lavori di Federico Albano Leoni, rappresentativi delle poliedriche ramificazioni della riflessione scientifica dello Studioso, le quali toccano ambiti anche lontani fra loro ma legati da un interesse profondo per la significazione e per la concreta produzione linguistica, manifestazione di parole. In ciascuno di essi la produzione scientifica di Albano Leoni ha tracciato un solco importante, che ha segnato gli sviluppi di ciascun settore: filologia germanica, linguistica storica, linguistique d’intervention, fonetica e fonologia, linguistica dei corpora, filosofia del linguaggio. Ognuno di questi ambiti di ricerca costituisce pertanto una sezione del volume, prefato da un/a suo/a allievo/a o da chi comunque come tale gli è stato/a scientificamente vicino/a (Simona Leonardi, Luisa Corona, Anna Rosa Guerriero, Mariapaola D’Imperio, Loredana Cerrato, Mauro Serra), mentre una bibliografia completa dei numerosi lavori prodotti sino ad oggi da Federico Albano Leoni è posta in chiusura, ordinata tematicamente e cronologicamente (un link segnala i lavori liberamente accessibili in rete). Apre il volume, a mo’ di introduzione, un’intervista allo Studioso che intreccia ricordi scientifici e riflessioni sulle prospettive future alle quali oggi si apre, o si potrebbe aprire, ciascuna delle sezioni tematiche del volume. All’intervista hanno dato il proprio contributo anche le tre curatrici del volume (Elda Morlicchio, Valeria Micillo, Francesca M. Dovetto), prime allieve di Federico Albano Leoni, rispettivamente nella Linguistica tedesca, nella Filologia germanica e nella Glottologia e Linguistica, e Annibale Elia, linguista salernitano collega di Albano Leoni e artista autore dell’immagine di copertina.

Federico Albano Leoni ha insegnato Filologia germanica e Glottologia all’Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II e Linguistica generale alla Sapienza Università di Roma. La sua attività scientifica tocca un’ampia gamma di tematiche di linguistica generale e storica, teorica e applicata e di filosofia del linguaggio.

La section Filosofia del linguaggio (p. 307-389) contient les articles suivants : « Lo statuto del fonema » (2006), « Delle parti e del tutto: Jakobson, Husserl e la fonologia »(2013), « Da Philipp Wegener a Karl Bühler. Una linea interrotta e ripresa » (2016).
Une bibliographie (1968-2021, 220 entrées) des écrits de F. Albano Leoni se trouve aux p. 391-421.

Publié par giuseppe d'ottavi dans Parutions