Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 71 (2018)

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure. Volume 71 (2018), édité par Daniele GAMBARARA, Genève, Librairie Droz, 2020, 272 pages, 1 illustration noir et blanc, ISSN : 0068-516X, ISBN-13 : 978-2-600-06033-2, € 40,00 / CHF 41.00
Date de première publication : 9 Mars 2020
Voir la notice de l’Éditeur.

Ce numéro est également disponible en version numérique sur le portail de revues de la Librairie Droz, à cette adresse :

Table des matières

I Éditorial

    À nos lecteurs (D. GAMBARARA)

II Articles

René AMACKER, La constitution de l’unité phonologique selon Hermann Paul
Cosimo CAPUTO, Omni-formativité ou omni-traducibilité des langues ? De Hjelmslev à De Mauro
Filomena DIODATO, La théorie des champs lexicaux : un essai de sémantique saussurienne ?
Marco MAZZEO, The Chess Analogy, Wittgenstein and Saussure compared
Yamina OUDAI CELSO, L’héritage saussurien dans la théorie psychanalytique du symbolisme onirique de Freud
Claudia STANCATI, Entre unité et pluralité : l’École de Genève face à la classification des sciences
Mariarosaria ZINZI, Benveniste entre tradition et innovation : un cours au Collège de France de 1939

III Résumés de thèses

Eva KRÁSOVÁ, Émile Benveniste et le rôle du « sens »
Denis ZOLOTUKHIN, Évolution du système terminologie de F. de Saussure : aspects lexico-sémantique

IV Documents

Ferdinand de Saussure, Onze lettres (1884-1893) dans les Archives de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, par Pierre-Yves TESTENOIRE
Charles Bally, Notes au cours « Histoire du verbe indo-européen » de Saussure (BGE Ms. fr. 5128) : problèmes de datation, par Mariarosaria ZINZI
Roman Jakobson, Raymond de Saussure, Correspondance (1945-1968) au Massachusetts Institute of Technology, par Giuseppe D’OTTAVI
Vahé GODEL, Linguiste, mon père…

V Comptes rendus

M. W. BRUNO, D. CHIRICÒ, F. CIMATTI, G. COSENZA, A. DE MARCO, E. FADDA, G. LO FEUDO, M. MAZZEO, C. STANCATI (dir.), Linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio. Studi in onore di Daniele Gambarara, 2018 (P. Brook)
F. CIMATTI et F. PIAZZA (dir.), Filosofie del linguaggio, 2016 (G. Cosenza)
M. DE PALO, L’invention de la sémantique, 2016 (E. Fadda)
C. STANCATI, Linguistica e classificazione delle scienze, 2018 (G. Gallo)
E. VELMEZOVA et S. MORET (dir.), Rozalija Šor (1894-1939), 2016 (E. Wyss)

VI Chroniques de Colloques

 Irène FENOGLIO, Ouverture du colloque « Linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio » (Cosenza, 14 mars 2018)
Chronique de l’inauguration de la Salle Tullio De Mauro, 6-7.04.2017 (G. Cosenza)

VII Chroniques du Cercle

Chronique du Cercle pour les années 2013-2018


René AMACKER (déjà de l’Université de Genève)
La constitution de l’unité phonologique selon Hermann Paul
Abstract: This paper presents a summary and a commentary of the phonetic and phonological views of Hermann Paul as found in Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte. Concerned with the explanation of phonetic change, he also takes into account the functioning of parole in the individual and in the speaking mass. Some of these ideas are aged, but others are worthy to our attention, such as the one referring to the importance of the interplay between individual memory and collective interaction.
Keywords: Hermann Paul, phonologie, Lautbild, sujet parlant
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Cosimo CAPUTO (Università del Salento)
Omni-formativité ou omni-traductibilité des langues ? De Hjelmslev à De Mauro
Abstract: Hjelmslev, in his Prolegomena to a Theory of Language, deals with the unlimited capacity of language in forming signs. This feature represents actually a major theoretical pivot, helping us to approach some epistemological (e.g. metalanguage), philosophical (e.g. concerning the nature of human logos) and semio-linguistic (the nature of the sign) issues. The topic was especially developed and deepened in the Italian tradition of linguistics, the focus being not on language as an abstract and synchronic system, but on its concrete realizations occurring in history, society and culture. A term was coined by the Italian scholars to label this approach: that is onniformatività. In this paper, I will follow its pre-history and developments, following a line starting with Ferdinand de Saussure and Emile Benveniste and going to Mario Lucidi, Emilio Garroni and Tullio De Mauro.
Keywords: arbitrariness of sign, restricted/unrestricted languages, translatability, Louis Hjelmslev, Tullio De Mauro
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Filomena DIODATO (« Sapienza» Università di Roma)
La théorie des champs lexicaux : un essai de sémantique saussurienne ?
Abstract: Weisgerber and Trier’s Wortfeldheorie has been considered the first consistent outcome of post-Saussurean semantics as well as the first step towards an “ontological structuralism” (Eco 1984). I will show that the Neo-Humboldtian approach could be seen, instead, as an attempt to read the Saussurean conception of language in the light of the Humboldtian notion of language as energeia. Thus, if from a methodological point of view the neo-Humboldtians surely hastens the “structuralist turn”, Trier’s theory in particular highlights the contradictions of the CLG’s dichotomies, avoiding to some extent the risks of the “Saussurean vulgata” attributed to the classical Structural Semantics paradigm.
Keywords: Lexical Field Theory, structural semantics, neo-Humboldtian linguistics, Saussurean semantics
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Marco MAZZEO (Università della Calabria)
The Chess Analogy. Wittgenstein and Saussure compared.
Abstract: In the present article, I wish to highlight the philosophical and anthropological importance of the analogy between chess and language. Although in different ways, both Wittgenstein and Saussure perform the same inversion: it is not language to be interpreted as the verbal version of chess, but it is chess that represents a specific form of verbal technique. According to Saussure, the analogy works only if it cuts itself off from the logical-normative character usually associated to the game. Wittgenstein claims that the arbitrariness of mathematical, chess, and language rules is intertwined with the multiplicity of the forms of use. In the final part of the article, I try to analyse the difficulty, experienced by Wittgenstein and Saussure, in describing the historical origin of chess rules.
Keywords: Chess, History, Institution, Use, Wittgenstein.
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Yamina OUDAI CELSO (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
L’héritage saussurien dans la théorie psychanalytique du symbolisme onirique de Freud
Abstract: While the dream is defined by Freud as “the royal road to the unconscious,” it is evident that its interpretation plays a crucial role to decode the symbolic language of Es. Just like Lacan’s “Ça”, while Freud’s Es “speaks”, it uses several means of expression, such as slip, wit, neurotic symptom, forgetfulness, missed act and so on. Among them the dream, with its mysterious and hallucinatory disguises, and the anthropological roots of its interpretive practices, stands out because of its extraordinary linguistic and cultural complexity. Furthermore Freud, from the famous Traumdeutung (1899) to the essay Über den Gegensinn der Urworte (1910), is already witnessing a real reversal of perspective, namely a very interesting evolution of his theory of oneiric symbolism: after a rather mechanical and abstract first approach – the so-called Chiffriermethode –, based on a rigid and pre-determined correspondence between the “manifest content” and the “latent content” of each element of the oneiric material, we finally see a much more refined and linguistically complex symbology, i.e. a hermeneutic theory which identifies in each patient, by the method of free associations, the Traumbuch or “book of dreams” of himself. Following some precious suggestions from Michel Arrivé’s essays, this paper aims to check whether certain aspects of Saussure’s theory and the CLG – this huge and complex toolbox he created – allow us to question more punctually and fruitfully several passages of Freud’s texts about dreams in order to better understand them.
Keywords: Dream, Symbol, Oneirology, Traumdeutung, Interpretation, Freud, Psychoanalysis
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Claudia STANCATI (Università della Calabria)
Entre unité et pluralité : l’École de Genève face à la classification des sciences
Abstract: The goal of the article is to explore the unity of the so-called “school of Geneva” employing three elements provided by Bachelard: theories, objects and methods. The extent of the Saussurean linguistic thought is glimpsed in his “successors” in the University of Geneva. I will recall the linguistic theories of Bally, Frei and Sechehaye, and I will propose two perspectives: first, the theoretical relation of each of them with Saussure; second, the place of their linguistics among the other sciences whose object is language.
Keywords: General Linguistics, Classification of sciences, Geneva’s School, Epistemology of linguistics
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Mariarosaria ZINZI (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Benveniste entre tradition et innovation : un cours au Collège de Frnce de 1939
Abstract: The influence of Antoine Meillet and his school can be observed in Benveniste’s work. Nonetheless, Benveniste’s conclusions are undoubtedly original and autonomous. The article aims at shedding light on such a dialectic between tradition and innovation by analysing some preparatory notes for a course of comparative grammar, given by Benveniste at the Collège de France in 1939 and centered on the category of number. Attention will be paid to the definition of the dual and to the hypothesis concerning its disappearance. The analogies between Benveniste’s considerations and the conclusions drawn by Meillet and some of his students (Cuny, Gauthiot, Tesnière and Vendryes) are evident. Nonetheless, as it will be shown, Benveniste makes original remarks, which originate from his aptitude for problematisation.
Keywords: E. Benveniste, Benveniste’s manuscripts, Dual, Collège de France lectures.
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Eva KRÁSOVÁ (Université Charles, Prague)
Émile Benveniste et le rôle du « sens »
Abstract: My thesis is a monographic study of the life and work of Emile Benveniste (1902- 1976) focusing on the role that the concept of meaning (sens) plays in his thought. The first part takes into account the theoretical foundations of Benveniste’s ideas in connection with the tenets stemming from the Schools of Paris (A. Meillet and M. Bréal), Prague (R. Jakobson and V. Skalička) and Copenhagen (texts around 1939). The second part deals with Benveniste’s concept of “linguistics of discours”. I distinguish two meanings of “meaning” in Benveniste’s works and I point out the resulting confusion. Moreover, I study the possible variants of the relation between sémiotique and sémantique, looking at the ones coming from the Semantic group (J. Lotz, R. Wells) and from V. Skalička as possible sources of inspiration. In the third part, I analyze the notions of time, writing and poetry in connection with G.W.F. Hegel, J. Derrida and structural analysis of narration (R. Barthes, T. Todorov).
Keywords: Emile Benveniste, arbitrariness of sign, Vladimír Skalička, meaning, structuralism, discourse.
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Denis ZOLOTUKHIN (Université pédagogique d’Etat de Moscou Département de langues romanes)
Évolution du système terminologique de F. de Saussure : aspect lexico-sémantique
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to study the process of lexico-semantic formation and representation of F. de Saussure’s linguistic terminological system in his authentic works (1872-1911) and the work Cours de linguistique générale by Ch. Bally and A. Sechehaye (1916).
The Saussurean terminology is here considered as a developing system of lexical units for special purposes (terms) representing a part of the French lexical system. Therefore, its evolution is interpreted from the semantic point of view proving the influence of extralinguistic and linguistic factors, derivational mechanisms and other language laws. The research combines traditional lexicological methods (component and contextual analysis) and an innovative approach – the extrapolation of Alexander Bogdanov’s theory of self-organizational systems. Such a combination allowed revealing systemic regularities of the semantic evolution of F. de Saussure’s terminology. The synchro-diachronic models of terms are built, making it possible to supplement the existing nomenclature of conceptual features of each lexical unit here studied in order to improve the entries of terminological dictionaries, to optimize the translation of F. de Saussure’s French terms into the Russian language as well as to generalize lexico-semantic characteristics of evolving linguistic terminologies.
Keywords: terminology, terminological system, linguistic term, semantic evolution
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Ferdinand de Saussure, Onze lettres (1884-1893) dans les Archives de la Société de linguistique de Paris
par Pierre-Yves Testenoire (Sorbonne Université / UMR 7597 Histoire des Théories Linguistiques)
Abstract: Ferdinand de Saussure was the Adjunct Secretary of the Société linguistique de Paris between 1882 and 1891. Eleven of Saussure’s letters have been kept in the Society’s archives. The aim of this paper is to edit and present these eleven new letters by placing them in their respective contexts. This unpublished exchange brings new insights into Saussure’s work at the Société linguistique de Paris, in particular his relationship with Jean Psichari.
Keywords: Linguistics society of Paris, scientific correspondence, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Jean Psichari, Louis Duvau.
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Charles Bally, Notes du cours « Histoire du verbe indo-européen » de Saussure (BGE Ms. fr. 5128) : problèmes de datation
par Mariarosaria Zinzi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Abstract: The manuscript BGE Ms. fr. 5128 from the Fonds Bally (Geneva) contains some notes taken by Charles Bally at a course on the history of the Indo-European verb given by Ferdinand de Saussure at the University of Geneva. I propose in this contribution that these notes should be dated to the first period of Saussure’s teaching in Geneva and that they must be related to his preparatory notes for a course contained in Ms. fr. 3970/c (Saussure 1990 [1991]).
Keywords: Charles Bally, lecture notes, history of the Indo-European verb, Phonétique.
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Roman Jakobson, Raymond de Saussure, Correspondance (1945-1968) au Massachusetts Institute of Technology
par Giuseppe D’Ottavi (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes, CNRS/ENS, Paris)
Abstract: The “Roman Jakobson Papers” at MIT Distinctive Collections include some letters exchanged between Roman Jakobson and Raymond de Saussure (Ferdinand’s younger son). Not only the correspondence testifies to their long and friendly relationship, but also reveals unknown details concerning the prehistory of the saussurean manuscripts held at Houghton Library, Harvard University. These letters are here presented, contextualized and edited.
Keywords: Roman Jakobson, Raymond de Saussure, Correspondence, Harvard manuscripts.
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